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Epic Fall
(Scenes) (Scenes) (An overview is shown of a burning and destroyed New Mombasa at night. The camera then moves to the side of the tallest skyscraper and all is quiet.) Then the glass shatters as Master Chief comes flying through the glass and throws himself around to face the building while brandishing his dual SMGs. An onslaught of grunts with fuel rod cannons,jackals, and thousands of flood infection forms burst through the broken window as well as all of the surrounding windows. He starts firing with his SMGs as explosions and plasma fire surround him. He notices that the ground and his pursuers are getting closer, but he keeps spraying. When the flood and covenant get close enough, Master Chief pulls himself up onto their dead bodies and fights his way up through the deadly mob of enemies. The camera then cuts to the ground where there are some brutes. Empty shell casings start falling onto their heads and they look up to see where they are coming from, just in time to see a pile of carcasses falling from above. The impact kills all but one of the brutes right away and Master Chief, being on top of the pile, is cushioned enough that he survives and gets up. He sees a brute trapped underneath with his head and one arm sticking out, trying to reach Master Chief. The Chief walks a comfortable distance away, pulls out a grenade, and throws it onto the pile, and starts walking away with the pile behind him. The camera shows the explosion of hundreds of grenades in the background with the Chief in the foreground walking ever so calmly in the night, off to his next fight.

(Razorbackmissle on 02-08-08 04:16 UTC, permalink)

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