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Too much character development
(Character Development) One thing I don't want to see is the "John" side of MC. I'm scared they'll do to him what they did to John in the Doom movie, giving him a family, and emotions. The MC (and all the Spartans) are much more of a surgical strike team than anything. If Hollywood tries to "over humanize" him, I'll be pissed. I want a MC who isn't afraid to sacrifice himself or his fellow marines to get the job done. The MC of the books and games. Not one who argues with himself over right vs wrong. One who gets the job done, as messily as possibly.

I'm at odds with this personally, because I actually have a soft-spot for John and his neglected humanity, but you are absolutely correct that it would not be in line with the storyline.
- free3bme
(QuantumChaos on 12-22-05 06:05 UTC, permalink)

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