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Save yourself, I feel like dying.
(Scenes) Master Chief is on a human ship that has been overrun with covenant. Cortana is going to blow it up and win the battle (as is her usual plan), but there's only one problem: Miranda Keyes is still on the ship! MC runs through the halls looking for her.

Finally he sees her, but she is surrounded by five grunts and four elites. Seeing Miranda on the other side, he lets out a battlecry and moes through them. Safe on the other side, he begins to talk to Miranda.

MC: Are you okay?

Miranda: I... I think so.

MC: Good.

Suddenly MC hears something down the hall.

MC: Uh oh... I have a bad feeling about this. You go, I'll get out if I can.

Miranda: No! I'm not leaving you!

Three elites come running down the hall. At the site of Miranda and MC, they smile menacingly.

MC: Go. I'll handle them.

Miranda: I can't! Chief, I love you!

MC: ...

Before anyone can say anything else, one of the elites activates his energy sword and prepares to kill Miranda. As he lunges, Master Chief leaps in front of the blow.


(Coweh on 06-11-06 18:35 UTC, permalink)

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