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Hudson's Lament
(Characters) A lot of entries seem to complain about possible "space marine" clich?s. How quickly you all forget that the marines in Halo are supposed to be spoofs of these clich?s! We've got characters named Jenkins and Mendoza, two of the most clich?d soldier names, and Michelle Rodriguez does in fact play a hardass soldier babe. I'd be disappointed if she wasn't in the movie!

No, the biggest mistake the Halo movie could make is if it took itself too seriously. The marines are there for comic relief more than anything. That they're so effective in ground engagements while being a bunch of goofballs is part of their charm. There will be plenty of time for MC to play the stoic hero in the midst of alien zealots and flesh-chomping zombies. Let the marines have their fun.

I think there's a subtle difference though... in the game, the marines do indeed act bad-ass, with their poses, their attention to the objective, etc. The comic relief comes from their interaction with the MC as well as each other and the enemy, and of course their various funny deaths.

The problem is that if done poorly, they could indeed look like over-the-top caricatures. There has to be the right balance between buffoonery and the grim reality of war to make it entertaining and not such a groan-fest.
- free3bme
(SonGoharotto on 12-23-05 21:55 UTC, permalink)

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