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MC & the grunt
(Cheap Death) The MC goes through a door and enters a room stock full of elites, grunts, and jackals, in a matter of seconds the MC procedes to eliminate all the covies and is about to finish off a wounded grunt with a shot from his pistol, when he has some compassion and decides to leave it and move on. Forward to: The MC comes upon an entire squad of elites planning on taking him out, after dodging their shots and dishing out some nades, and some cool hand to hand combat there is only 1 elite left, he draws his sword, as the MC goes to fire his rifle he finds he's out of ammo, it seems to the MC that he is doomed for sure!! Then from behind him the lonely grunt which he spared earlier comes out and sticks the elite with a plasma nade, then in its death throes the elite gets a shot off killing the grunt. The MC walks over to the grunt's corpse, and closes its eyelids in respect. The camera pans out to the battlefield, where nothing is left alive except the Chief.

(jman571 on 12-23-05 08:42 UTC, permalink)

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