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A few tweaks, and a Masterpiece?
(Scenes from Hell) I think that the whole concept of a ring per se is a bad idea, i mean come on, we're not trying to sell jewelry! I think that instead, the halo 'ring' should be turned into a a halo 'cube', because everyone who liked the cube movies would then go to see this 'master chief' try to survive. Its the same concept, really, survival against all odds, in an unknown environment with unknown enemies plotting against you.

Oh, and another thing, I think that mel gibson should play the Master Chief, because he's old and in signs he was quiet, so he'd be perfect. And his hands crucified Jesus, so we need someone to blame when this movie crucifies our studios!

- free3bme
(Lord Thorn on 12-22-05 21:32 UTC, permalink)

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